Would you like to reduce the microfibre shedding levels of your textiles and apparel products?

Microfibre Shedding Test

Microfibre shedding is the release of tiny plastic particles from synthetic fabrics during washing, contributing to marine pollution. Textiles account for up to 35% of marine microplastics pollution.

• Intertek is the pioneer in developing multiple capabilities to assess and analyze microfibre shedding, helping brands, retailers, and manufacturers understand the environmental impact of their products.

• Intertek in-house method replicates real-world scenarios, including temperature, abrasive action, and microfibre loss similar to that in home laundering.

• In addition, we offer

  • AATCC TM212-2021, the Test Method for Fiber Fragment Release During Home Laundering
  • ISO 4484-1: 2023 to determine material loss from fabrics during washing
  • We are also a signatory member of The Microfibre Consortium (TMC)’s Microfibre 2030 Commitment and 10+ labs are accredited to perform microfibre testing with the TMC Test Method globally.

Elevate your impact and Expedite Your Journey to Sustainable Fashion

Green and Brown Spools of Thread on Fabric